As much as I would love to say these medicines are completely safe regrettably there are a few precautions people venturing into this domain should observe.

Psychedelics work very differently to normal pharmacutical medications where they tend to bring up emotions instead of supressing them. This can be really hard to deal with and can feel really overwhelming. It is best to explore psychedelics in a controlled setting with a trip sitter who can guide you if things get hard.

People with or who have a family history of schizophrenia should enter this world with caution. Having said that however, the chances of a schizophrenic break are no more than a traumatic event or any other substance abuse such as drugs or alcohol. These medicines can be hard at times so it is always better to have a less is more approach.

Bipolar disorder is also a grey area as around a 50/50 split is found making people either better or worse suffering from this. The participant suffering from bipolar may look at this as a possible last resort that a 50% risk could be worth the outcome.

Addiction, firstly mushrooms are fantastic in that they have built-in anti-addiction measures for example they react on different parts of the brain and do not push the “reward button” parts like say cocaine or meth would. The body also and very quickly builds up a very strong tolerance to mushrooms and over a few days if you were to continue taking it the effect would be less and less and one would have virtually no effect from the mushroom in a very short period of time.

Plant medicine can also be really difficult. From a recreational point of view, low doses can be nice and relaxing but larger doses can bring up emotions within us that can be very hard to control. This is best done with an experienced sitter who can talk you through the experience.

Also, it is virtually impossible to overdose on Plant-based medicines. The Ld50 is just way too high to consume the amount required. The EGO-Death people experience is the loss of ones self, this can be a beautiful experience if you don’t fight it.

If taking prescribed medication it is best to chat to us before and we can advise on any possible adversities before your journey.

To put things in perspective, people don’t associate risk with Alcohol and tobacco since these are available on nearly every street corner.

*Put 10 people in a room and give them alcohol, they will kill each other. Give them psychedelics and they will end up best friends * Mike Tyson


I am very often asked what if I have, or I have tried these before and had a terrible/bad trip.

My first question is if you have done psychedelics before and experienced difficulties what were you doing and very often the reply is, I was given a packet of mushrooms, or I was at a party and … or I did not know anything about them.

Firstly a bad trip really should be called a difficult trip, setting an intention is very important as well as somebody to be by your side who is experienced as sometimes the feelings experienced can be difficult. Having said that, difficult trips can be the most profound as they really make us look deep within ourselves and find pathways to make ourselves not only better people but humble and content.

These two graphs show brain activity on “magic mushrooms”. Note the abundance of new neural pathways being created. It’s very clear why California tech giants staff microdose as it gives various perspectives and problem-solving abilities.


The benefits of micro-dosing can be truly profound. In a nutshell, a small dose of psilocybin (non-effect producing) can be taken twice a week usually in the .3-.5gram range. The benefits can best be described in the video below.